Hidup ibarat eskrem, nikamatilah ia sebelum cair :)

Wednesday, 30 March 2011

One day trip to Perlis

Mood utk ber-blog suda kembali walaupun tak brape nk semangat
*Trase nk gune bhase 'aku kau' plak :P
Last sunday, i went to Perlis, visiting my big bro whom loved to bully us :P haha.... Well, as you, you n you know, Perlis is 'agak hulu' (try not to be rude :P).... pegi sane pun coz mybe mum dh rindu sgt dgn ngah kot xD haha....kiddin'.... After having my lunch at Anjung Keli (the foods are so marvellous ^_^), kteorg dah mati kutu coz taktau nk g mane lg dah.... Sorry to say, Perlis mmg busan =.='' takleh nak kata pa dah la.... Then, tibe2  trnampak banner ab BOOK FAIR....Ahhaaa!! Since we have no where to go, so, pegi je la situ....
The hall was quite big n there were many publications that took part.... Since im not a 'book worm' anymore so, malasss nk bli buku HAHA.... Tibe2 nmpk satu booth yg agak sesak but i just ignored it.... Then suddenly my abg said ; ehh, tu kartunis Lengkuas kan? I replied : yeke? (bajet tauu).... Then baru la aku sibuk2 nak menyemak jgak kt situ ;) heee~ 
Tibe2 P mntk duet nk bli komik tu....die ckp bole mntk signature dorg....yg tak tahannye, smpai 8 hengget die mntk -.-'' duhhh, kopak mak aku mcm ni.... Time nk mntk signature tu, sume tibe2 shy-shy cat plak nk mntk sign dorg >_< then aku dgn x malunye pegi la queue dgn P *nk masuk camera punye psl ;) *aku  pun taktau since when aku jdik photogenik ni haha.... Bile turn kteorg, ade kartunis Jumper je.... Kartunis Lengkuas duk sembang ngan sape tah....


Then aku dgn tak malunye mntk sign si lengkuas tu :P *peduli ape, dah bli buku dorg so suke ati la nk mntk sign sape2 an n_n

Yg ni die buat utk P : 2 hengget encik Amir 

Tibe2 brother ni pun join sign skali....aku tak kenal pun....rupe2nye ni lah kartunis piston :) good looking *gatal :P HAHA 
Tibe2 jdik minat dgn Ujang lps nmpk die ni xD hehe

Ni die buat khas utk aku :D

Conclusionnye, not bad la book fair tu although tak ramai org.... Lastly, kteorg pekena laksa perlis... Sgt yummy!

p/s : phone suda ok :)

Thursday, 24 March 2011


Nightmare? Kalo mimpi buruk waktu pagi pun boleh consider sbg nightmare ke? =.='' its ok, x kesah pun :) tp mimpi pagi tadi mmg serious xleh lupe..rasenye mimpi plg buruk smpai saat ni kot T_T saye mimpi Israel nak serang Taiping....nauzubillah min zalik....ya Allah, jauhilah kami dari sebarang malapetaka...amiin...tp serious mmg rase mcm betul je mimpi tu...dlm mimpi tu pihak Israel jahanam tu nak serang waktu azan zohor...mmg xde mase nak kemas langsung...kteorg mmg x sempat langsung nak amik ape2 :( sume sibuk nak selamatkan diri je....then....then....saye terbangun....mmg mengucap pnjang laaaa....err kalo mimpi mcm tu ape tandenye ek? harap2 tu mmg betul mainan tido je... ya Allah, selamatkan semua orang2 Islam drpd perkara2 buruk...amiin...

AMARAN!! jgn teruskan jika anda tak sanggup!

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Sahabat Sejati Dunia dan Akhirat

Saya tujukan entry yg ini for my bestie, Siti Sarah Jamaluddin... Best Friend Forever yeah :) loveyou :D
Sahabat Sejati Dunia dan Akhirat | iluvislam.com + discover the beauty of islam
p/s korang pun jgn lupe bace tau..sgt interesting :)

Monday, 21 March 2011

My confession I

U are rite ! Saya memang seorang yg kuat cemburu....so what ??
I'm the JEALOUS TYPE ! So stop talking n making me jealouss ! tQ

Ungrateful handphone~ *sigh

T_______T   waaaa what happened to my handphone?? i never betray u but how could u do this to me huh ??! I cant even open my messages anymore >_< (or are u giving me chance to buy a brand new handphone :P nokia sony perhaps? mwahaha)  
Somebody please lend me ur hand, please please pleaseeee....if this problem cant be solve, it means that i cant message my bestie anymore :'( but wait....OMG im soooo lucky =] that 'apek' from the mobile shop had added an application called ''SMS preview''....aaahhhhh *relieved ;) now i can read the new message...ONLY!  *but still cant read the previous one :( uhuk uhuk

Saturday, 19 March 2011

Alhamdulillah :]

Hurm nothing much i wanna say....just alhamdulillah n syukran to ALLAH S.W.T for fulfilling my wish :') *tears of happiness
"BERDOA dan BERTAWAKAL adalah jalan terbaik selepas BERUSAHA"

Monday, 14 March 2011

I'm sorry, i can't be perfect

Sudah jatuh ditimpa tangga...haizz... Ya ALLAH, berikanlah kekuatan dan ketabahan padaku dalam menghadapi dugaanMU.. Hanya dekat blog ni lah aku meluahkan isi hatiku :( getting far, far away from my friends n my family...n for sure im not going to open my FB these few days...ingat nk buat privacy dkt blog ni tp dah lupe step die =.=''

I'm sorry, i'm imperfect
I'm sorry, i cant be the good one
I'm sorry coz i hurt u, ur heart, ur feelings
Its alright if u mad or disappointed at me,
but please.....let me say

Dah buat salah mesti dpt balasannye :( so, as a result, im having fever since this morning...headache, cough :'( tp alhamdulillah dpt jgak puasa arini wlaupun x sihat :)

Sunday, 13 March 2011

Ingatkan hujan sampai ke petang, rupanya hujan di tengahari

mood : KO againnn :(
ingatkan panas smpai ke petang, rupenye hujan d tengahari T-T again, benda yg plg aku benci terjadi..tp saya tak benci awak..tak larat nak ckp byk2, tp saya harap sgt awak dpt faham kehendak saya, jaga perasaan saya, sebab saya sayang awak as my friend.. saya merayu sangat2.. tolonglahh

Dimaafkan dan Memaafkan :)

Bila dimaafkan, cakaplah : ALHAMDULILLAH.....TIMEKASIH :D
Bila nak maafkan org, cakaplah : TAKPE, DAH LAMA SAYA MAAFKAN AWAK :)

So awak, TIMEKASIH sebab dah maafkan saya..ALHAMDULILLAH *relieved :] saya pun dah maafkan awak jugak :)
p/s : baru bole tido lena mcm die nihh :P zzz...

Thursday, 10 March 2011

the worst day ever *_*

im not in the mood rite now T__T n i dunno why do i feel so sad n upset these couple of days :'(

Ya ALLAH, tabahkanlah hati hamba-Mu ini.amin.

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Get well soon ^_^

today my bestie is not feeling well :(

hope she will get well soon :]

Monday, 7 March 2011

aku hamba-NYA yg hina

 سبحان الله  
Betapa kerdilnya kita di bumi ALLAH ini.. ALLAH yang maha Agung dan maha Esa.. Sesungguhnya, hanya Dia yang layak disembah.. ALLAHUAKBAR !

Petang td sy menghadiri suatu tazkirah brsama ayah d masjid Telekom.. Malangnya, kami trlewat sedikit :( ustaz tu ajar ttg SOLAT.. Bila ckp ttg solat, sume org mesti kata solat itu senang.. ''hari2 kami solat'' .. 
walhal, solat itu sangat susah kerana ade byk pantang-larang yg kite x tau.. Bahkan sy sndiri baru menyedari secara mendalam ttg solat n masih byk kekurangan yg perlu dibaiki.. Jadi sy nk share dgn korg sume ilmu yg sgt penting yg sy dpt ptg td (walaupun xde org yg akan visit blog nih exp die sorg tu :] )
Act sgt byk ilmu yg diberikan. Antaranya,  
  1. 13 rukun solat
  2. sunat ab'at dan haiat
  3. perkara makruh dlm solat
  4. perkara yg membatalkan solat 
Sy rase sy smpat nk share 13 rukun solat je.. Yg lain2 tggu dululah.. Kalau salah tolong perbetulkan ye (lg skali, walaupun xde org yg nk bce) =P

  1. Niat - memadai jika berniat 'aku solat FARDHU ______' (utk solat fardhu shj) tp kalo dpt bce penuh lg bgus :)
  2. Takbiratul ihram - menyebut 'ALLAHUAKBAR' ( ketika melafazkan, perlu diri sndiri dgr. kalau tak, solat tak sah! jgn trlalu kuat, takut ganggu org lain, berdosa pulak! )
  3. Berdiri bg yg mampu - bg yg x mampu, bila takbiratul ihram, berdiri, then, baru duduk
  4. Membaca Al-Fatihah - diri sndiri wajib dengar ape yg d bace
  5. Rukuk dgn tama'ninah(tenang, tertib & tak trburu-buru) - rukuk yg plg kejap iaitu selama sekadar bacaan 'SUBHANALLAH'
  6. Iktidal dgn tama'ninah 
  7. Sujud 2 kali dgn tama'ninah
  8. Duduk antara 2 sujud dgn tama'ninah
  9. Bacaan taiyyat akhir - diri sndiri wajib dgr ape yg d bce
  10. Duduk tahiyyat akhir
  11. Selawat kpd Nabi dlm tahiyyat akhir
  12. Memberi salam
  13. Tertib


p/s - still x dpt nk abis 'touch up'-kan blog ni =.=''

Saturday, 5 March 2011

DENDA ouh DENDA ! -.-''

Haisshh >__<  arini busan gile.. Tak bole msg, call or fb-ing dgn die T__T .. Coz kne denda. Bukan dari U, skola, or parents tp dari sy n my bestie.. act BOTH of us broke the promise that we have made during our examination weeks :(

citenye mcm ni, the nite before that, both of us had promised not to sleep after Subuh prayer. We need to study for our upcoming exam, which is MATHEMATICS II ACCOUNTING II (tp dah lepas dah la) n go to the library at 10am.. Unfortunately, both of us fell asleep until 11am *terlajak, nk buat mcm mane :( 

So, arini dua2 xleh msg =.=' tp smpai kul 12am ni je huhu :]  pasni nk stay up smpai 2-3 pagi, nk msg ngan die hehe *tengah buat countdown ni :P hopefully makcik tu pun x tido

Moral of the story is : TEPATI JANJI ANDA :D

"Promises are like crying babies in a theater, they should be carried out at once"

Friday, 4 March 2011

ALERT !! blog under construction

ALERT ALERT !!! Stay away from this blog :P haha
bile dah dpt balik password, tangan ni sgtlah gatal nk ketuk2 keyboard nih walaupun sleepy -o- huhu.. 
today, i managed to change my blog's background, text colour, blablabla..but still not 100% siap..i need to make up 2-3 things so that it will look better *hopefully =D act im soooo lazy nk tuils update (pdhl baru nk start balik :P haha ) tp since my friend nih, SARAH JAMALUDDIN ni nk stalk my blog, so kne la bg chantek :] adehh =.='' but its ok, for her sake :) since im sooo sleepy n very lazy to write a loooong speech, i better chow :P

sorry for something, thanx for everything :) *thanx sara bg pnjm ayat :P

Wednesday, 2 March 2011


HAHA. serve ur right, aifaa :P im soooo forgetful =.=' duhhh.. but luckily i managed to trace the password after i had been trying 1000 many times. ALHAMDULILLAH :) Pity my cute blog :P abandoned for almost 1 YEAR !! InsyaALLAH i will update my blog as frequent as i can bcoz im on HOLIDAY aka VACATION for amost 4 months :) *dont b jealous hahah...