Hidup ibarat eskrem, nikamatilah ia sebelum cair :)

Friday, 10 February 2012

Saya dan Rumah :)

Assalamualaikum :))

Guess where am i? HOME! Yes, home. Rumah. Taiping. Perak :D hee~

Naik train malam tadi around 9.30pm :) Arrived 3.15am. Sgt lambattt. Supposed to arrive before 3. Luckily, i have one night bestie :D bole temankan. Nasib baik die sempoi sangatttt. Teman sampai sayer sampai rumah. Tapi bile smpai umah semalam, 'hubungan bestie' dah terputus :P *ikut kontrak*

I woke up at 12.30pm. Normal la tu kan?? Sangat best dapat tido kat katil sendiri, bilik sendiri :') Punye seronok dapat tido dlm bilik sndiri sampai tudung pun tak bukakk =.='' Rase macam tanak balik uia je :( 

Btw, nak cite sikit la pasal uia :) sepanjang 2 minggu dkt uia, nothing bad happened. Alhamdulillah everything went smoothly :') class pun ok. Taaruf week pun not bad sebab.... :P I got 2 foreign lecturers. One from Pakistan and another one from Indonesia. Tapi ok la. Bole faham accent diorang. Praise to ALLAH. 

Hmm ape lagi? Ouh wifi uia =.='' sangatt weird! Problems! Looks like i need to go to ITD to settle this :( da la taktau dept tu kat mane. sobs

Asssignments? Jangan risau. On the very first class i got one haha.

Ok thats all for now. Esok mau pegi shopping sama Ma and Pa :)) 


p/s - adikku da tiada di rumah. Alone in MRSM. Miss him *kununn*