Hidup ibarat eskrem, nikamatilah ia sebelum cair :)

Monday, 30 January 2012

Azam Baru

Assalamualaikum :)

Dipendekkan cerita, esok, insyaALLAH saya akan bergelar mahasiswi Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia :)) Alhamdulillah. Mungkin saya lambat satu semester dari sahabat2 saya yang lain tapi masa bukan penentu segalanya. Yang penting hati mesti ikhlas kan? Saya akan pegang nasihat ibu dan ayah saya dan berjanji untuk belajar bersungguh-sungguh dan memegang segulung ijazah. Kalau ada rezeki akan sambung Master pulak, insyaALLAH ;)

tunggu saya ye hihi
Doakan saya ye :D Semoga kite sama2 berjaya dunia dan akhirat. Amiin..

p/s - tak tau laa bile dapat update lagi =.=

Thursday, 26 January 2012


I dunno why, i dunno how, i dunno who, i dunno when, and i dunno what makes me own that feeling.
But i feel so sad rite now. Seems like i am having that kind of creepy disease :'(

Yet i am still gonna force myself to smile though it was fake! Hope tomorrow will be better than today, insyaALLAH

Ya ALLAH, tenangkanlah hati hamba-Mu ini. Amin.

Monday, 16 January 2012

Surat Buat Dia yang Berkenaan

Kepada yang berkenaan, 

16 Januari 2012

Assalamualaikum awak.

Err...err.. Cemana nak start ni eh? Sebenarnye kite taknak cakap tapi.. Tapi kite terpakse cakap jugak!

er... tolong pulangkan wang sayer T_T

Ustazah cakap kite kena saling ingat-mengingati. Especially berkenaan hutang. Sayer taknak awak tangggung dosa sebab hutang. Lagi2 if someone tu belum 'halal'kan hutang yang dia bagi.

Maaf. Sayer bukan taknak halalkan. Kalau dua, tiga ringgit bole la sayer halalkan, insyaALLAH. Tapi kali ni amaunnye banyak. Sayer pun bukannya keje lagi. Pinjaman pun tak dapat :( Kos sara hidup untuk sem akan datang ni pun sayer terpakse guna duit sendiri.

Sayer tau awak ada masalah kewangan. Sayer faham dan sayer cuba untuk lebih memahami. Tapi kalau sayer mesej awak, tolonglah reply. Jangan buat sayer macam tunggul kayu. Jangan buat macam awak takde hutang ape2 dengan sayer.

So, sayer betul3 berharap awak dapat pulangkan balik duit sayer secepat mungkin sebelum sayer hilang sabar. Mungkin awak blum pernah nampak betapa bengisnya sayer kalau kesabaran sayer dah hilang. Jadi, pulangkanlah duit sayer sementara muka sayer masih comel ni.

Ape2 pun, sayer doakan awak akan dimurahkan rezeki. Sorry lah, bahasa sayer kasar sikit. Tak reti nak guna bahasa formal. First time tulis surat. Format pun taktau.

Yang hina tapi iklas, 


Sunday, 15 January 2012

A Gloomy Morning


I was scolded this morning HAHAHA. Ceit gelak macam fun je kne marah kan =.='' I broke the promise. I told my mom i'll type that letter(dont bother what kind of letter) last nite. But i didnt do it :( i slept early. End up i yang kne marah dengan Pa. I was just defending myself. Not more than that. Ouh please understand my deary father.

Jangan marah2, nanti cepat tuaaa :P
Sorry pa and ma. Peace no war :D

p/s - tolong laa bayar hutang sayaaaa T-T pleaseee

Friday, 13 January 2012

The Life of A Daughter

Sad. Upset. Disappointed.

'we transform hope into sadness'

Yes. I know u love me. I know. And i love u too. No doubt.

I have grown up. Im 20. Not 2. I know u are worried about me. TOO worried. Im glad to have someone who really cares about me. But please. Dont see me as a 10-year-old child who cant take care of herself. I know myself very well. I know how to take care of myself. Coz im 20. Not 2.

Sometimes, i can understand why u didnt allowed me to do this and that. But sometimes u make me confused. I cried and u wouldnt know.

Whatever it is, im still glad to have u as my father. U take care of me very well. U teach me much about life. U are being such a very good father to me.

I'll get married soon. And im gonna be someone's wife. I hope u can still take a good care of me until i have someone called 'husband'.

Thanks Pa.


p/s - hati remuk tak terkata hari ni. havent cried for a long time.

Thursday, 12 January 2012

Day 12 : 12012012


Assalamualaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh.

Syukran. Terima kasih ya ALLAH kerana panjangkan umurku. Meminjamkan nikmat-Mu kepadaku. Syukur. Alhamdulilah. Btw


Thanks for giving birth to me.
Thanks for taking care of me for 20 years
Thanks for raising me up
Thanks for loving me
Thanks for educating me
Thanks for the endless advice
Thanks for the known and the unknown
Thanks for being my one and only mother
YOU are the best-est mother i have ever known

Sorry for all the mistakes i have ever done
Sorry for raising up my voice
Sorry for disobeying you
Sorry for being unfaithful daughter

I'll try my best to do the best for you.
Anything for u, mom :')

Your love is something that no one can explain

Your only princess :)

p/s -
1. love you too, dad :) no one can replace both of u
2. end of 12-days project. Phewww
3. impian yg mustahil on 12012012 : That person come to Taiping and celeb my b-day teehee~ impossible kann??
4. awal kan sayer punye entry? Excited :D

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Day 11 : Petua Mencari Jodoh

Assalamualaikum wbt :))

Amboi mentang2 da nak 'besar', da pandai cakap pasal jodoh pulak. Lantakkk.. HAHA. Semalam jalan-jalan, bersiar-siar di blog-blog mereka yang hebat-hebat penulisannya :D I enjoyed reading their blogs. Maka di suatu blog seorang saudara se-Muslim ku, ternampaklah suatu entry yang sangat menarik hatiku. Normal la if someone at my age berminat utk bace artikel2 gini (jodoh etc) *meremang bulu roma*

Straight to the point, untuk si hawa yang mahu mencari adamnya ,

1. Jangan dilihat pada kereta mewahnya semata-mata. Lihatlah pada aktiviti malamnya. Andai liar hidupnya tika malam menjelma. Fikirlah sebaiknya andai mahu menerima kerna maksiat itu lebih mudah tatkala kelam malam sudah tiba. Khuatir juga subuhnya terus leka dibuai mimpi nan indah..

2. Jangan dilihat pada pakaian berjenama semata-mata. Lihatlah pada bahagian kakinya. Andai mudah lututnya ditayangkan tatkala lincah dipadang bola. Fikirlah, sebaiknya andai masih mahu menerima kerna aurat suami itu hanya selayaknya dilihat oleh si isteri..

3. Jangan dilihat pada tampan paras semata-mata. Lihatlah pada mulutnya tatkala berbicara. Andai dia mudah menghambur carutan dan sumpah seranah, fikirlah sebaiknya andai masih tegar memilihnya. Khuatir pabila bersama kelak, kesalahan kecil anda akan menerima hamburan cacian yang menyeksakan.

I just copy petua untuk hawa sahaja ye :D coz im a girl n most of my followers and friends are girls padahal sebenarnye pemalass nak mampus heee. Anything, credit to mr. Kamal Effendi .

Personally, im more towards number 3 =.='' ntah. I think it is normal. Guys are like that too. Fitrah. Fitrah semulajadi. People love to see anything that is nice and beautiful :) Tapi kadang2, we have to control ourselves. Jangan terjebak lebih2 sudeyh.

Say NO to couple. 
Say NO to zina. 
Say YES to nikah.
Say peace! :D

Tapi, ape yang disarankan dalam agama ialah mencari suami/isteri yang tinggi pengetahuan agamanya :) then only rupa, keturunan dan harta nya.

Ok. Siap sudah berkongsi ilmu. Undur dulu. Tata!~

p/s - Ma beli mcChicken. Just for me. Terharu kejap :')

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Day 10 : Warm Welcome :)

Assalamualaikum. Hello girls and guys

Ustaz always said 

''Be good to others not because of the rewards but because of ALLAH''

We will be blessed, insyaALLAH but only to whom with good intention 

Al kisah untuk hari ni. Ayah menumpangkan seorang kawan adik di rumah kami. Cerita kanak2 (i can call him kanak2 kan? :P) tu agak menyayat hati la jugak. 2 hari tinggal di Hotel Flamington seorang diri. RM 120 X 2 = RM 240. Haa kan da terkeluar kepakaran matematik ku :D

Untung betul. Baru Form 4 da dapat tinggal di hotel sorang2. Dengar cerita dari si adik, budak tu tak dapat tinggal di asrama. Rumahnye jauh pula. Ipoh. Hebat la kalau bole ulang alik hari2. Ipoh-Taiping =.= Duhhh duit duit. 

Dengar cerita juga dah dapat rumah sewa sementara menunggu tawaran dari sekolah berasrama. Berani ke dik nak tinggal sorang2? Kesian. Akak tak dapek la nak nolongnyee --

Nasib baik hensem. Kalau tak akak da halau dari umah ni xD Ok serious joking. Takpe la dik. Hope adik dapat sekolah asrama :) Tapi jangan la notty-notty lagi kay!

Apeng? Ameng? Apetah name budak baju merah tuu

p/s - being 'poyo' a bit for today

Monday, 9 January 2012

Day 9 : Tagged by Hafizah

Assalamualaikum. Annyeong! :D

Alright Pija, im done doing my 'homework' :P So without wasting any time, here's the rule :

  • You must post these rules. Each person must post 11 things about themselves in their survey.
  •  Answer the question the tagger set for you their post. And create eleven new questions for people you tagged to answer.
  •  You have to choose 11 people to tag and link them on the post.
  •  Go to their page and tell them you have tagged him/her.
  • No tag back.
  • No stuff in the tagging section about “ you are tagged if you are reading this “. You legitimately (a.k.a really, trust with all honesty) have tagged 11 people.

11 Things About Myself  :

  1. Full name : Nurul Aifaa Mohd Rosli
  2. The only 'princess' in my family heee~
  3. I'm 20 so soon 
  4. Pemalu sangat
  5. K-pop lover n running man too (of course ^_^)
  6. I love green like crazy
  7. Hot-tempered
  8. Susah senyum tapi senang gelak
  9. I'm lefthanded
  10. Sleeping is my hobby! Zzzz
  11. I am wearing a pair of spectacles due to slight eye problem
(macam nak cari jodoh jee --)

Questions from Pija, Answers from Aifaa :)

1. 1 word to describe me, Hafizah Radzi.
     * "hai awak" <-- ur tagline

2. 2 words to describe me when u first met me or read my blog.
     * happy-go-lucky

3. pink or blue?
     * green. Bolee??

4. honestly,1 word to describe my blog.
     * lagu best. hmm tu lagu ost city hunter kann?

5. apa korang buat time korang ada masa lapang?
     * watch korean drama/sleep/eat. Everything that makes me fat :P

6. selalu tulis blog time bila? (jwpn xboleh ada kaitn dgn soklan diatas)
     * bila 'feel' datang menjelma

7. kampung or bandar?
     * tinggal di bandar. Suka duduk kampung kowtt

8. ada moto hidup? apakah?
     * kawin dengan orang hensem xD

9. kalau korang strees apakah yang korang lakukan?
     * tido. Kalo tak stress pun suke tidoo jugeee

10. target nk kawin umur berapa?
     * hmm.. nak kawin skunk pun boleyy :D

11.am i annoying u? *haha*
     * not really :P ok fine. tipu. awak ok jeee

  • No stuff in the tagging section about “ you are tagged if you are reading this “. You legitimately (a.k.a really, trust with all honesty) have tagged 11 people.
Err dont trust me. I cant tag all 11 people coz most of my friends already tagged by her n others are busy having their finals. I want to change the rules. Instead of 11, i'll cancel one '1' , so it'll become 1. And the lucky one is

Fenes, listen carefully. U have been tagged by other ppl (Yong). The rules are the same. So i dont mind if u wanna describe about urself(again) or tambah lagi psl urself. Tapi i really hope u can describe more psl urself coz i da lupa psl u la beb! HAHA. Tapi those questions wajib dijawab :)

Hey, rules dekat atas sekali i dah ditukar jadi gini :

  • no need to post these rules but u have to post 11 things ab yourselves
  • answer the questions. no need to create question for other ppl
  • no need to tag others (leceh -..-)

Tadaa.. I prepare this specially for u. Lebih 11 lagi tau! ;)

  1. What do u like about me? At least 2 *cepumas habess HAHA* 
  2. Ur height and weight? 
  3. Kalau g shopping, prefer g dgn sape? mum/sis/gewe/f*?
  4. Gelaran kat umah? :P
  5. Sanggup tak amik i jadi ur bridesmaid? *ouh please say YES*
  6. Me or our BF? (boyfriend. bukan bestfriend -.-)
  7. Who's ur first crush? *curious gila!*
  8. Bila nak bukak braces?
  9. Da lepas lesen moto ke belum? AHAHA
  10. Why green? Dont u know that we're are sharing the same fav colour?
  11. Kyuhyun or Minho or Dongho? Jgn gedik nak pilih sume -..-
  12. People always judging but they know nothing. What say u?
  13. Do u miss me? y? *honest k*
  14. Most fav korean drama?
  15. Physics of Biology ?
Any question? Just call me xD

p/s - alahai peraturan dunia~

Sunday, 8 January 2012

Day 8 : Busy DayS

Assalamualaikum. Good evening everybodyyy :D

Hari ni busy. Smlm busy. Hari tu busy. Esok. Tak sure lagi. Maybe busy jugak. Tapi kite pun pelik, ape yang busy sangatnye? Haishh.. Tapi kalau 'family outing' pun kira busy la kann?? Heee~

Btw I'm having so much fun today. With my family, of course. Well, we're not going to any special places. It was just we did something that cherish my life :DD err museum is not considered as 'special place' rite? :P But i dunno why, i was really having fun there teehee. Gambar tak sempat nak upload. Phone battery habis -..-

Before tu, ayah ajak makan at KamaLodge. Serious sedap. SERIOUS. No lie ;) Sepinggan kite sorang je yang makan HAHA. Hebatkan sayerrr?

K. Tata!~

p/s - still not able to answer tag from Pija :( nanti2 la ek. Jangan marah, nt cepat tua :P

Saturday, 7 January 2012

Day 7 : Mari Belajar Bahasa Jepun

Assalamulaikum. Whats up? :))

As a start, Hafizah Radzi tagged me. Unfortunately, i cant reply today. It takes time to answer the questions and stuff. InsyaALLAH, if i have time, i'll finish 'em by tomorrow :) dont worry dear heee~

Anyway, tadi ade short conversation between Pa and Zhafri ( adik BONGsu ku)

Pa        : Nanti kalau cikgu tanye awak pandai cakap bahasa jepun ke tak, just jawab tau.
Zhafri   : Tapi adik bukan tau punn. Abis tu nak jawab ape?
Pa        : Cakap je ; Suzuki Ajinomoto Honda Kawasaki haip!
Others : ???!!!

*gelaran telah di edit sedikit. Harap maklum*

Untunglaa pandai buat lawak :D

p/s - Nyamuk manyak!

Friday, 6 January 2012

Day 6 : Keputusan MUET Akhir Tahun 2011

Assalamualaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh :)

Hai. I just got this latest news. For me perhaps. Maybe my other cute friends da tau benda ni da lama daa =.='' I hope not. Malu jek. Tapi date die tak seswai laaaaaa T_T Pakcik MPM(or whosoeva) takde date lain ke? Sadis betul.

I hope i will get good result, InsyaALLAH. Band 6 pun jadi laaa :P Amboi tinggi cita-cita HAHA. Tak dosa pun sebenarnya :) tu la yang menaikkan semangat kita. FIGHTING!! Err i guess its too late. Exam tu pun da lepas. Waktu exam tanak buat betul-betul >< Da nak terkeluar result baru excited lebih. Apa guna?!

To my beloved friends who took the test, all the best for ur results :) May ALLAH bless us. Hope we all will pass with flying colours. Amiin.

Btw just got this sms :

''Kadangkala anda perlu melalui hujan lebat sebelum pelangi menjelma. Think positive''

Well, this sms reminds me of myself. Hopeless me :(

p/s - watched al-kuliyyah entitled 'pengurusan jenazah'. Reminds me of my late Atok. Al-fatihah.

Thursday, 5 January 2012

Day 5 : BilaTerasaRindu

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم


Have you heard a song entitled 'Bila Terasa Rindu' ? This was a famous song back then. Actually i wrote the lyric but something went wrong. So i have to delete the post and i have no guts to type it again :P hehehe. Its ok. Just google the lyric and u'll get it within a second. Kite sbnrnye nak dedicate lagu tu to a friend yang sudah lama tidak berjumpa. 

Ok i'm running out of time. Tak sempat nak hupdate ape2. Later yaw.


Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Day 3 : Actually, I'm 16

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم


Thank God. Alhamdulillah. I thought i would never go online today. Tapi its too late. Da nak midnite. Esok nak sekolah. Weee~ Ok fine, aku perasan kononnye aku masih lagi budak sekolah :P Tapi tak salah kot. Dua tiga orang sedara aku (yang da lama terpisah) tanye umur aku bape. Then aku pun tanye la balik :


"15? 16?"

Alhamdulillah. Muda gituu :D Bole je dik kalau nak anggap akak umur 16. So esok aku bole la masuk form 4 balik HAHA

Anyway, i miss my school. Err not really my 'school' actually. I mean my friends, classmates, schoolmates, seniors, juniors, auntie jual kacang, pakcik kantin, makcik clerk, pakcik gardener bla bla bla. Paling tidak dilupakan, my teachers. Favourite teachers. Of course teachers yg bole ngam dengan sayer. Not the one who back stabbed her own student. Opsss i think i have gone beyond the limit. Stop this crap.

 I think i need to sleep now. Katil dah melambai-lambai padaku. Lagipun, esok nak pegi sekolah. Betul. TAK TIPU. Sila percaya saya. Saya buktikan esok :)

Ok. Tata!~

Monday, 2 January 2012

Day 2 : Quick Update *kononnn*

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Assalamualaikum gadis cantik dan lelaki kacak :D *buang tabiat*

Long time no see :P I have so many things to be done tonight. Sume ni gara-gara buat keje bertangguh :( Ok, thats a fact about me. SUKA DELAY KERJA >< Sometimes, i hate that kind of 'fact'. Hurm..

Ni la list yang kne siapkan by TONIGHT :

1. Blender cabai/ cili boh (ek betol ke ni??)

2. Iron baju Pa. Esok da nak keje. Da la baju favourite Pa pun tak gosok lagi.

3. See this picture? Jangan risau, kite bukan ganas mcm korang sangkakan ;) It is just i have no luck today. Semangat bangun pagi untuk berjogging. Tengah2 jalan kasut buat hal. So ape lagi,
Jog --> Buaian :D
Otw ke keta berkaki ayam. Hebat kan? *angguk cepat*

Ok tu je kot. Rasenye tak byk mane kot tapi setiap keje tu amik mase yg lame wokayyyy.

K. Tata!~

p/s - geram dengan seseorang :( i hate this feeling

Sunday, 1 January 2012

Day 1 : New but UGLY

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Assalamualaikum. Annyeong! =]

Since today is 1st January 2012, i wanna start to challenge myself to write type/post in 12 days in a row. Great! *sila tepuk tangan*

So, today will be 'Day 1' :) Tomorrow : Day 2, Day 3 untilll Day 12 (12012012) <-- nice date huh? HAHA. Hope that i'll be able to accomplish my not-so-called mission :P


Dont worry Sara, 'Ugly' doesnt refer to my beloved GREEN teddy bear ;) He's safe under my bed HAHA. What i mean here is my new haircut. Very ugly. Very.

Tapi jangan la imagine rambut kite rupe gini =.='' Not that bad actually but still i dont feel good with my new hair T_T Tu la, gatal sangat nak potong rambut sendirian berhad, ginilah padahnye ye!

However, Mum still puji me.

"Pandai pun potong rambut sendiri"

Kembang sebentar HAHA. Tapi i know ape maksud tersirat Ma

'Tak payah susah2 mak nak tolong potongkan'

I knew it! HAHA

Hurm, azan Asar dah berkumandang. Haiya 'ala solah :)

Ok. Tata!~

p/s : baju sekolah i tak bli lagi :P